When a leader calls a meeting, it is important that the leader create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.
One of the most important things a leader can do to create an environment that encourages open and honest dialogue is to keep their own opinions to themselves. It can be tempting for a leader to share their thoughts on a matter before the meeting even begins, but doing so can influence the conversation and limit the contributions of other team members. Instead, a leader should allow all members to give their thoughts and views before revealing their own statements.
In addition to keeping their opinions to themselves, a leader should also refrain from agreeing or disagreeing with other team members by non-verbal signs. Doing so can send a message that some opinions are more valuable than others, which can stifle open and honest dialogue.
Instead, a leader should actively listen to everyone’s words and analyze all the viewpoints before making a decision. This approach shows that the leader values everyone’s opinion and is committed to making the best decision for the team or organization as a whole. Finally, a leader can make informed decisions that are in the best interest of the team or organization.