When we enter our dream company. We start to believe that they are our identity. The company also puts its imprint everywhere. The bottles, the laptops, the bags, the pens we have their logos. It is a joy to carry those around as we like our company to be a part of our lives. But when our lives depend completely on our jobs, we start to dedicate our entire time in a day to that. But if we stop for a moment and look around, we will realize that our life is much more than our job. Of course it is most important to work with our hands, it is important to use our education but we ought we have a life to live. We need to sense the beauty of nature around us. We need to go out just to look around and see the world we are living in. We need to take time for ourselves and for our families. In Japan some companies give some time in the afternoon for a nap. They believe that employees perform well when they are given enough rest. For better productivity we need better policies. If there is none in our country, we need to create some personal goals for the sake of our improvement. Yes, we need to LIVE our lives.