Low levels of psychological safety can create a culture of silence. They can also create a Cassandra culture – an environment in which speaking up is belittled and warnings go unheeded.
Amy C Edmondson, The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth
The employer’s role is very crucial in creating a psychologically safe workplace.
Employers should be role models to the Employees. They should be open to feedback. They should be ready to admit their fault when they are wrong. They should be open to new ideas from the employees. There should be two-way communication between employers and employees. They should not threaten the employees with the feedback but should use the feedback to give constructive feedback to encourage the employees to perform well. They should not break the trust of the employees but should be trustworthy. Employers should take care to reward employees when they have done excellent work. They should make them feel valued, they should feel that they belong to the team. When Employers give this support surely employees will feel psychologically safe at the workplace.