Topic | Learnings |
Introduction | What is Full Stack, ASP .NET, C#.NET |
SQL Server | |
Introduction | Why database, ACID and BASE properties, E.F. Codd’s Rule, Cardinality, CAP theorem, Difference between RDBMS and NoSQL database |
Database Design | Normalization Rules, ER diagrams |
Architecture | Introduction SQL Server, Architecture of SQL Server |
Data Types | SQL Server Data types |
SQL | Creation and Manipulation of objects using DML, DDL, DCL, TQL & TCL statements, SQL Server Functions (Single Row, Group, Conversion, Analytic), SQL Server Constraints, Views, Sequences, Synonyms, Indexes, Views |
T-SQL | Creation of Procedures, Functions, Triggers & Cursors in T-SQL |
HTML & CSS | |
Introduction | Introduction to Web Development, Working of HTML, Protocols Used, Structure of HTML |
Basics | Introduction to basic HTML tags, Lists, Div & Spans, Attributes, Nesting Elements, Table and Rows, Lists, Paragraphs & Headings, Tag Attributes, Formatting, abbreviation, Embedded Multimedia |
Links & Frames | Text, Image, and Email Links, Frames, Blocks, Background, Colors, Fonts, marquees, header |
CSS | Introduction, Including CSS in HTML, Font & Text Properties |
CSS Selectors | Universal & Element, ID, Class, Descendant, Attribute, Psuedo class, CSS cascade |
CSS Box & Property | Box Model, Display Property, CSS Units, CSS Transform, Opacity and Alpha Channel, Position Property, Button Hovering |
Flex Box | Introduction, Flex Box Properties, Flex Direction, Justifying content, Flex Wrap, Item Alignment, Flex Grow/Shrink/, Flex Shorthand |
Boot Strap | Introduction, Installation, Layout, Grid, Assignment and Offset, Flexbox, Typography, Image, List, Button, Form, Validation, Pagination, Progress Bar |
Java Script | |
Introduction | What is java Scripting, Data Types, NaN, Variables and Constants |
Strings | String Manipulation, String Methods, String Template Literals, Undefined and NULL |
Control Statements | Operators, If Statement, Else If, Nested Conditions, Switch Statement, For Loops, For of Loop, Nested Loops, Break Statement, While Loop |
Arrays | Array Declaration, Random Access, Push Pop, Shift and Unshift, Concat, Index Of, Includes & Reverse, Slice & Splice, Multidimensional Arrays. Iteration over arrays |
Objects | Object Literals, Creating Object Literals, Accessing and Modifying Data Objects, Nested Arrays and Objects, Spread with Objects, Spread with Array Literals |
Functions | Introduction, Structure of a Functions, Parameter Passing, Function with Multiple Parameters, Return statement, Function scope, Block Scope, Lexical Scope, Function Expressions, Higher Order Functions, Arrow Functions, Filter Method, Map Method, For Each method, Some and Every Method, Reduce Method, Default Params, Destruction of Params, Destruction of Arrays and Objects |
jQuery | Introduction, Syntax, Selectors, Events, jQuery Effects (Hide, Show, Fade, Animate, stop, callback, chaining), jQuery GET/SET/ADD/Remove/CSS classes, jQuery Traversing, jQuery, AJAX, WebAPI |
C# | |
Introduction | History, Version, Installation, Variable & Data Types, Type Casting, Operators |
.NET | Framework Overview, Common Language Run Time, Understanding Libraries, Frame Class Library, Understanding Namespaces/Assemblies, Common Type System, Common Language Specification, Understanding Memory Operations and Garbage Collections |
Control Statements | Conditions (If, If else, If else if, switch), Loops (while, do, for, foreach), Jump |
Array | Types of Arrays, String Manipulation, String Methods, Defining Data Structure |
OOPS | OOPS Concepts, Abstract Class, Interface class, Static Class, Extension methods, Partial Class & methods, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Operator Overloading, Namespaces, Preprocessor Directives, Caching/Types of Caching |
Property & Exceptions | Regular Expressions, Enum, Attributes, Properties, Exception Handling, Anonymous Types, Delegates, Events, Collections, Generics, Lambda, Expression Tree, File, |
ADO .NET | Overview, Connected /Disconnected Architecture, Connection Object, Command Object, Data Sets/ Readers/Adapters, Structure of a Data Set, Execution of Non-query/Reader/Scalar |
File & Database | File Operations, CRUD Operations |
Asynchronous Programming Model | Overview, Event-based Async, Async & Await in task-based Asynchronous Pattern, Asynchronous Vs Multi-Threading. |
ASP .NET | |
Introduction | Overview, Installation, MVC, MVC Vs Web Forms, Project Creation, MVC Pattern |
Fundamentals | Razor View Engine, Razor View Engine Vs Web Forms Engine, Razor Syntax, Routes and Constants, Validation, AJAX Helpers, Data Passing Techniques, Partial Views |
Forms & Validation | MVC Forms, Binding (Model & Custom), Synchronous & Asynchronous Forms, Server side and client-side validations |
Data Entity | Entity Framework, CRUD Operations, using AJAX & jQuery, AJAX Webgrid, Listing/Sorting/Paging using Webgrid, |
Pipeline & Security | MVC Pipeline, Filters, Form Authentication, User Login flow, Accessing Logged in User Details, Creating Base Controller |
API | Building Web API, Web API CRUD operations, Testing Using Postman, Consuming API and performing Opertations in #.NET MVC, WebAPI Pipeline, Filters in API, API Exception Handling, API hosting |
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