Arich Infotech

JAVA Full Stack

Topic Learnings
Introduction What is Full Stack, Different Types of Stack (LAMP, Mean, Ruby, LEMP, Django), Server Installation
Introduction Introduction to Linux, Difference between Linux & Unix, distributions of Linux
Architecture Linux Architecture, Understanding Linux Kernel Architecture, Boot Process
Storage Linux File System, RAID configuration, File System Partitioning in Linux
Commands Basic and Advanced Commands in Linux
Scripting Shell Scripting in Linux, Automation using shell scripting
Database – Oracle
Introduction Why database, ACID and BASE properties, E.F. Codd’s Rule, Cardinality, CAP theorem, Difference between RDBMS and NoSQL database
Database Design Normalization Rules, ER diagrams
Architecture Introduction to Oracle, Oracle Architecture
Data Types Oracle Data types
SQL Creation and Manipulation of objects using DML, DDL, DCL, TQL & TCL statements Functions (Single Row, Group, Conversion, Analytic) in Oracle, Oracle Constraints, Oracle Views, Sequences, Synonyms, Indexes, Views
SQL Objects Creation of Types, Nested Table, Insertion & Retrieving data from Nested Table
PL/SQL Creation of Procedures, Functions, Triggers and Packages in PL/SQL
Introduction Introduction to Web Development, Working of HTML, Protocols Used, Structure of HTML
Basics Introduction to basic HTML tags, Lists, Div & Spans, Attributes, Nesting Elements, Table and Rows, Lists, Paragraphs & Headings, Tag Attributes, Formatting, abbreviation, Embedded Multimedia
Links & Frames Text, Image, and Email Links, Frames, Blocks, Background, Colors, Fonts, marquees, header
CSS Introduction, Including CSS in HTML, Font & Text Properties
CSS Selectors Universal & Element, ID, Class, Descendant, Attribute, Psuedo class, CSS cascade
CSS Box & Property Box Model, Display Property, CSS Units, CSS Transform, Opacity and Alpha Channel, Position Property, Button Hovering
FlexBox Introduction, FlexBox Properties, Flex Direction, Justifying content, Flex Wrap, Item Alignment, Flex Grow/Shrink/, Flex Shorthand
Java Script
Introduction What is java Scripting, Data Types, NaN, Variables and Constants
Strings String Manipulation, String Methods, String Template Literals, Undefined and NULL
Control Statements Operators, If Statement, Else If, Nested Conditions, Switch Statement, For Loops, For of Loop, Nested Loops, Break Statement, While Loop
Arrays Array Declaration, Random Access, Push Pop, Shift and Unshift, Concat, Index Of, Includes & Reverse, Slice & Splice, Multidimensional Arrays. Iteration over arrays
Objects Object Literals, Creating Object Literals, Accessing and Modifying Data Objects, Nested Arrays and Objects, Spread with Objects, Spread with Array Literals
Functions Introduction, Structure of a Functions, Parameter Passing, Function with Multiple Parameters, Return statement, Function scope, Block Scope, Lexical Scope, Function Expressions, Higher Order Functions, Arrow Functions, Filter Method, Map Method, For Each method, Some and Every Method, Reduce Method, Default Params, Destruction of Params, Destruction of Arrays and Objects
jQuery Introduction, Syntax, Selectors, Events, jQuery Effects (Hide, Show, Fade, Animate, stop, callback, chaining), jQuery GET/SET/ADD/Remove/CSS classes, jQuery Traversing, jQuery AJAX, WebAPI
Introduction Introduction to OOPS, Introduction to JAVA
Data types Data Types in java
Control & Decision statements If, While, For, Switch, Exception, Custom Exception
OOPS in JAVA Java Class, Object Life Cycle, static and overload methods, constructors and destructors, variable scope, abstract class, subclass and super class, Private, Static & default methods, enumerations, Inner Classes, Java Regex
Arrays Arrays, List, set, Dequeue and Map, data transformation with streams and filter
Module Creating, deploying and executing Modular applications
Concurrency, File Operations Thread Programming in Java, File Operations
Database Performing CRUD operations using JDBC. Securing Applications (code injections, validation, data integrity, policies)
Localization & Annotations Implementing Locale, applying process annotations.
Invocation Invoking Java files from Java Script
Java Applet Applet Basics, Event and Exception handling,
JFC Introduction to JFC, Java Swing Overview
JSP Introduction, Scriptlets, Declarations, comment & Directive elements, Include file in JSP page, import class into JSP page, JSP Forms, Forms Under Servlets, Form validation
Java Bean Overview, Scope Types, Bean with WebForms,
Session Management Cookies, Read and Write Operations On Cookies, Session with out cookie, Fixing Redirect and Forward Links
JSP Tags Core Tags, Function Tags, XML Tags
CRUD Operation Reading/Writing from Database, List Data on webpage, Upload of Image/File
Hibernate Overview, Hibernate Framework, Integrating JSP and Hibernate

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