Arich Infotech


Duration in Hours : 20

Duration in Days: 10


Course Code: DAN20CS

10 Hours of Theory

10 Hours Lab

  1. What is Ansible?
  2. Ansible architecture and components
  3. How Ansible compares with other automation tools (Puppet, Chef, etc.)
  4. Benefits of using Ansible for configuration management and automation
  5. Installing Ansible on different platforms (Linux, Windows, MacOS)
  1. Introduction to YAML and its syntax
  2. Understanding Ansible inventory (static and dynamic inventories)
  3. Configuring hosts and groups in inventory files
  4. Ansible command-line basics (`ansible`, `ansible-playbook`)
  5. Running ad-hoc commands
  6. Modules and plugins in Ansible
  1. What are Ansible playbooks?
  2. Writing your first playbook
  3. Structure of an Ansible playbook
  4. Defining tasks, handlers, and variables
  5. Using loops, conditionals, and blocks in playbooks
  6. Playbook execution strategies (serial, linear, free)
  1. Understanding Ansible variables and how to define them
  2. Using facts and gathering facts with Ansible
  3. Precedence and scope of variables (playbook, role, group, host)
  4. Defining default variables and overriding them
  5. Secure management of sensitive data with Ansible Vault
  1. Introduction to roles in Ansible
  2. Creating and using roles in playbooks
  3. Role directory structure and best practices
  4. Using `ansible-galaxy` to download and share roles
  5. Role dependencies and role-based development
  1. What are Ansible modules?
  2. Working with commonly used modules (e.g., file, user, package, service)
  3. Creating custom modules for specialized tasks
  4. Debugging and testing custom modules
  5. Ansible Galaxy modules overview
  1. Automating cloud provisioning with Ansible (AWS, Azure, GCP)
  2. Managing infrastructure as code with Ansible and Terraform
  3. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with Ansible
  4. Automating Docker and Kubernetes tasks using Ansible
  5. Configuring network devices using Ansible for network automation
  1. Ansible error handling and retries
  2. Using templates with Jinja2 in Ansible
  3. Ansible callbacks and logging
  4. Ansible Ansible-pull for configuration management
  5. Using async and polling with long-running tasks
  1. Introduction to Ansible Tower (AWX)
  2. Installing and configuring Ansible Tower
  3. Managing inventories, credentials, and users in Tower
  4. Running playbooks and scheduling jobs using Tower
  5. Integrating Ansible Tower with other automation tools
  6. Role-based access control (RBAC) and logging in Tower

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