Arich Infotech

Ansible Python

Topic Learnings
Basic Python Introduction, Data Types & Operators, Data Structures, Control Statements, Procedure, Exceptions, Python environment
Libraries Python standard libraries, Building Custom Libraries
File Operation Reading & writing from CSV, JSON, Binary files
Data Base Data base connectivity, CRUD operations for a database
OOPS Implementing OOPS concept using Python, An Introduction Design Pattern
Modules Ansible Module
YAML Introduction, Basic Syntax, Data Types, Complex Data Types, Creating and Validating YAML data
Introduction Overview, Ansible Architecture, Installation and Configuration of Ansible
Modules Introduction, Frequently used Modules
Inventory Contents of Inventory File, Creation of a sample inventory file, ad-hoc commands
Playbooks Overview, Structure of a playbook, Creation and execution of a Playbook, Variables, conditions, Loops
Roles Overview, Inclusion of Roles in Playbook
Advanced Topics Asynchronous Actions, File Look Up, Strategy, Error Handling, Vault, Dynamic Inventory
Plugins & Modules Creation of Custom Modules and Plugins, Integrating Python with Ansible

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