Basic Python |
Introduction, Data Types & Operators, Data Structures, Control Statements, Procedure, Exceptions, Python environment |
Libraries |
Python standard libraries, Building Custom Libraries |
File Operation |
Reading & writing from CSV, JSON, Binary files |
Data Base |
Data base connectivity, CRUD operations for a database |
Implementing OOPS concept using Python, An Introduction Design Pattern |
Modules |
Ansible Module |
Introduction, Basic Syntax, Data Types, Complex Data Types, Creating and Validating YAML data |
Introduction |
Overview, Ansible Architecture, Installation and Configuration of Ansible |
Modules |
Introduction, Frequently used Modules |
Inventory |
Contents of Inventory File, Creation of a sample inventory file, ad-hoc commands |
Playbooks |
Overview, Structure of a playbook, Creation and execution of a Playbook, Variables, conditions, Loops |
Roles |
Overview, Inclusion of Roles in Playbook |
Advanced Topics |
Asynchronous Actions, File Look Up, Strategy, Error Handling, Vault, Dynamic Inventory |
Plugins & Modules |
Creation of Custom Modules and Plugins, Integrating Python with Ansible |