Arich Infotech


Duration in Hours : 90

Duration in Days: 30


Course Code: DNFS20CS

30 Hours of Theory

60 Hours Lab

  1. Basics of EF Core (ORM Tool)
  2. Code first or Database first approach
  3. Explain what it is and how to add DbContext into ASP.NET Core DI
  4. How to map C# class to Database Table
  5. Fluent Api Or Attribute based
  6. “Configuring Relationships, Global Query Filters and type converters .g Enum to string”
  1. Linq to SQL, Linq to Collection, etc.,
  2. How linq can be used for various SQL Scenarios (Join, Filter, get related child records, Grouping,
    Paging and filtering, etc.,
  3. LINQ Basics
  4. LINQ to Collections
  5. LINQ to Objects
  6. LINQ to Entities
  7. Lambda Expressions in LINQ
  8. Define Expressions in LINQ
  9. Expression Tree
  10. Differed Execution of LINQ Queries
  11. Immediate Execution of LINQ Queries
  12. Standard Query Operators
  13. where, OfType, ORderBY, ThenBy, GroupBy
  14. Look UP,Join,Group Join,SelelctAll
  1. Web API
  2. What is Web API
  3. REST Basics
  4. HTTP Verbs
  5. Creating a Web API
  6. Web API Routing
  7. Parameter Binding
  8. Data Formats
  9. Media Type Formatters
  10. Filters
  1. Basics of REST API
  2. Http Verbs
  3. Explain how Api Routing should be
  4. Aligning Entity with Http Verbs (e.g., Get Customer, Post customer)
  5. Basics of Http Return codes (200, 300,400 and 500)
  6. Returning Json along with Http Returns codes
  7. Documenting each method with Swagger
  8. Testing with Swagger
  9. Testing API with Postman
  1. What is MVC
  2. MVC Architecture
  3. Project Structure
  4. MVC Routing
  5. Razor Syntax
  6. Partial Views
  7. View Components
  8. Tag Helpers
  9. Layout
  10. Filters
  11. Exception Handling
  12. EF core with MVC Core
  13. Database First approach
  14. Code First Approach
  15. Filters
  16. Attribute Based Routing
  17. Data Annotations
  18. Unit Testing
  1. HTTP Client
  2. Task, Async, Await
  3. Consuming HTTP GET
  1. c CRUD Operations using Entity Framework
  2. Separation of work using BO Classes
  3. Writing Generic Class / Repository
  4. Caching in Repository
  1. Cache Tag Helpers
  2. Memory Caching Introduction
  3. In-Memory Caching
  4. Response Cache
  5. Distributed Cache

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