Arich Infotech


Duration in Hours : 60

Duration in Days: 30


Course Code: DNFS20CS

20 Hours of Theory

40 Hours Lab

  1. Introduction to MVC 6
  2. NET Web Forms (vs) ASP.NET MVC
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of each
  4. Determining when-to-use which one
  5. List of Versions of ASP.NET MVC
  6. Differences between versions of ASP.NET MVC
  7. Overview of installing ASP.NET MVC in various versions of Visual Studio
  8. MVC Architecture
  9. What is MVC?
  10. Architecture Explanation
  11. What is Controller and action method
  12. What is View
  13. What is Model
  14. Request Flow in ASP.NET MVC
  1. New Project in Visual Studio
  2. Overview of Folders and files of MVC project
  1. Introduction to Controllers
  2. Creating Controllers and Actions
  3. Calling action methods thru the browser
  4. Returning from action methods
  5. Parameters in Action methods
  6. ActionLink
  7. URL Routing
  8. Overview
  9. The need of URL Routing
  10. Parameters in URL
  11. Default Parameter Values
  12. Parameters with Constraints
  13. Literals in URL
  1. Introduction to Views (Razor)
  2. ActionResult and ViewResult
  3. Returning a view
  4. Creating a Simple Razor View
  5. Intermingling Code and Markup in Razor Views
  6. View Bag / View Data / Temp Data
  7. Shared Views
  8. ASPX View Engine (vs) Razor
  1. Introduction to LayoutViews
  2. The need of layout views
  3. cshtml
  4. Creating custom layout views
  5. Layout Views with Sections
  6. RenderSection()
  7. cshtml
  8. Overriding the _ViewStart.cshtml
  1. Partial Views
  2. RenderPartial()
  1. Introduction to Models
  2. Need of models
  3. Creating models using ‘CodeFirst approach’
  1. Introduction to Entity Framework
  2. Need of Entity Framework
  3. Creating DbContext and DbSet
  4. Configuring connection string
  1. Introduction to scaffold Templates in MVC
  2. Need of Scaffolding
  3. Creating controllers and views using scaffold
  4. Strongly typed views
  5. Understanding Index, Details, Create, Edit, Delete action methods and views
  1. Introduction to HTML helpers
  2. DisplayNameFor( )
  3. DisplayFor( )
  4. BeginForm( )
  5. LabelFor()
  6. EditorFor( )
  7. ValidationMessageFor( )
  8. RadioButtonFor( )
  9. DropDownListFor( )
  10. ListBoxFor( )
  11. CheckBoxFor( )
  12. AntiForgeryToken()
  13. Code First Migrations
  1. Introduction to action filters
  2. [HttpPost]
  3. [HttpGet]
  4. [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
  5. [OutputCache]
  6. [HandleError]
  7. [NonAction]
  8. [ActionName]
  1. Introduction to Bundles and minification
  2. Understanding BundleConfig.cs
  3. ScriptBundle (vs) StyleBundle
  4. Importing a ScriptBundle and StyleBundle
  5. Creating and consuming custom bundles
  1. Introduction to Validations
  2. Model level validations (vs) View level validations
  3. Importing jQuery Validation Plug in
  4. [Required]
  5. [RegularExpression]
  6. [Range]
  7. [StringLength]
  8. [Compare]
  9. [Remote]
  10. IsValid
  1. [Display]
  2. [Datatype]
  3. [DisplayFormat
  4. [ScaffoldColumn]
  1. Introduction to jQuery in MVC
  2. Need of jQuery in MVC
  3. Importing/updating jquery plug in
  4. Demos
  1. Need of jQuery-AJAX in MVC
  2. Demos on jQuery-AJAX (with json) in MVC with database handling
  3. Intro to jQGrid
  1. Introduction to Web API
  2. WCF REST (vs) Web API
  3. Understanding HTTP methods(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  4. Creating API controller
  5. API configuration
  6. Calling Web API from jQuery
  7. Demo: CRUD operations using jQuery AJAX with Web API
  1. Forms based security with [Authorise]
  2. Windows based security
  1. Web API 2
  2. Overview of Facebook Application
  3. OWIN Abstraction
  4. Inbuilt Support for Dependency Injection
  5. SIGNAL R 3
  6. Web API 3
  1. Introduction to Repository Layer and Service Layer
  2. MVC Architecture with both layers
  3. Demos
  1. Problems in accessing repository layer / service layer directly in controller
  2. What is Dependency Injection
  3. Installing ‘Unity’ plug in
  4. Configuring Unity
  5. Construction injection and property injection using interface
  1. Introduction to Consuming WCF in MVC
  2. Demos how to consume WCF in MVC
  1. Introduction to Database-First approach in MVC
  2. Demos on ‘Database-First’ approach
  1. Introduction to areas in MVC
  2. Demos on areas
  1. Introduction to jQuery Mobile
  2. Mobile Application’ project template
  3. Overview of Customizing jQuery Mobile
  4. Deployment
  5. Configuring IIS
  6. Publishing MVC web applications to local IIS
  1. What is AngularJS
  2. Advantages
  3. Getting started
  4. MVVM and MVC Architecture
  5. What is Model, View, View Model
  6. Creating view model
  7. data-bind
  8. Observable properties
  9. Subscribe
  10. Working with Directives, Services, Filters, Functions
  1. What is SPA
  2. Need of SPA
  3. Getting started
  4. Angular JS with API
  5. Reading and posting data

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