Arich Infotech


Duration in Hours : 90

Duration in Days: 30


Course Code: DNFS20CS

10 Hours of Theory

40 Hours Lab

  1.  Introduction to HTML
  2. Tables and HTML controls
  3. Forms
  4. CSS
  1. Introduction to JavaScript
  2. Sample Programs
  3. Validations

1. Introduction to ASP.Net
(i) Types of Applications
(ii) Web Application with Web Server
(iii) Client Side and Server Side Scripting

2. Difference Between IIS and IIS Express

3. ASP.NET Role and Page Life Cycle

4. ASP Web Forms
(i) Web Form Introduction
(ii) Worker Process
(iii) Applying styles to controls, themes, skins etc.
(iv) Page Directives and its uses
(v)  Code Behind Techniques

5.  Validation Controls

6.  Data Bound Controls

7.  Master Page Creation

8.  State Management Techniques
(i) Client Side State Management Technique
(ii) Server Side Management Technique

  1. Introduction to ADO.Net
  2. Types of Architectures
  3. connect/insert/delete/update/select query using
  4. Working with different Queries in SQL Server

Web Services
1. Introduction to Web services
2. Implementing Web services in ASP.Net
3. DB connection using web services

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