Arich Infotech

Automation Testing Concepts

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15

Automation Testing Course

Course Code: ATCO49

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Lab

Testing Fundamentals

  1. Benefits of Automation testing?
  2. What type of Test cases can automate?
  3. What type of test cases not to automate?
  4. Automation life cycle
  5. Different types of Automation tools
  6. Difference between QTP & Selenium
  1. History of selenium
  2. What is selenium?
  3. Components of selenium
  1. What is element property?
  2. Different ways to recognize element properties
  3. What is firebug and firepath?
  4. How to recognize element in chrome & I.E Browsers?
  1. Why webdriver?
  2. Downloading Webdriver Jars and configuration in Eclipse
  3. First Program in Webdriver
  4. Opening different browsers.
  1. findElement()
  2. findElements()
  3. diffrence between findElement() & FindElements()
  1. How to recognize link in the webpage?
  2. How to perform operation using links
  3. retrieve list of the links in the page
  4. retrieve specific links in the webpage
  5. checking link is displaying or not
  1. How to check/uncheck checkBoxes/RadioButtons
  2. Retrieve number of checkboxes/RadioButtons in the webpage
  3. Retrieve specific checkboxes/RadioButtons in the webpage.
  4. Verifying checkbox/Radio button is selected or Not?
  1. What is dropdown list?
  2. types of dropdown list
  3. About Select Class.
  4. select class Methods
  5. different ways to select/unselect a option in the dropdown list
  6. selecting a option Randomly in the dropdown list
  1. What is Alert?
  2. about Alert interface
  3. different methods in Alerts
  4. .alert ()
  5. .getText ()
  6. .sendKeys ()
  7. .accept ()
  8. . dismiss()
  9. How to handle alerts in real time
  1. Methods to identify webpages

    I. getWindowHandle()

    II. getWindowHandles()

  2. How to navigate from one Page to another Page.
  3. How to close multiple windows one after another.
  4. Difference between close () & quit ().
  1. what is Frame?
  2. How to Identify Frame in the webPage
  3. How to check element is Present in the Frame Or not
  4. How to move your focus from Page/Frame to Frame
  5. How to come back to the main state/page/frame.
  1. What is webTable?
  2. How to Identify Table, rows, columns, cells
  3. finding no of rows in the Table
  4. Finding no of columns in the Table.
  5. retrieving records based on records
  6. Retrieving records based on cell by cell.
  7. retrieving specific records
  8. Retrieving records based on column.
  1. what is Action?
  2. when to use Action class?
  3. Operations performing using Action class
I.mouseover II.rightclick III.drag & drop IV.Keyboard actions V.move to Element
  1. why we need to use Wait statements?
  2. different types of Wait statements
  3. what is Implicit wait
  4. what is Explicit wait statement.
  5. difference between Thread.sleep() & waitStatements.

Capturing Screenshot

e.JavaScript Executor.

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