Arich Infotech


Duration in Hours : 30

Duration in Days: 15


Course Code: DNFS20CS

10 Hours of Theory

20 Hours Lab

Development of Console App with basic fundamentals

Encapsulation (private, public, static, internal, protected, Protected Internal) inheritance, Types of inheritance

  1. Method Overloading
  2. Method Overriding
  3. Method Shadowing
  4. Static class
  5. Partial class
  6. Sealed class
  1. Accessor Within the Property
  2. Get Accessor
  3. Set Accessor
  4. Introduction of Exception
  5. Try Statement
  6. Catch
  7. Finally Exception classes 
  1. Introduction of Thread
  2. Thread Operations
  3. Thread states
  4. What is Delegates
  5. Single cast Delegates
  6. Multicast Delegates
  1. Collection classes(Arraylist, Stacks, Queues, HashTable, SortedList)
  2. Generic Collections
  1. What is asynchronous technique
  2. Asynchronous programming with async, await, Task in C#
  1. Version History
  2. C# Advanced Language Features
  3. C# Best Practices

C# Dependency Injection

  1. Creational Patterns
  2. Structural Patterns
  3. Behavioral Patterns
  1.  Introduction to reflections
  2. Sample Example Programs

Summary of Csharp features

  1. Introduction of Source Generators
  2. Implementation of Generators
  3. Debugging and Testing of Generators

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