Arich Infotech


Duration in Hours : 20

Duration in Days: 10

CA7 Mainframe

Course Code: MNFCA7

10 Hours of Theory

10 Hours of Lab

  1. Getting Started
  2. Using This Book
  3. Logging On
  4. Accessing the Database
  5. Displaying Command Output
  6. Logging Off
  1. Displaying the CPU Job Definition Screen
  2. Adding a Job
  3. Adding Another Job
  4. Displaying Job Records
  5. Copying Job Records
  1. Selecting a Calendar
  2. Scheduling a Job To Run On Certain Days
  3. Displaying the CPU Job Scheduling Screen
  4. Defining the Scheduling Criteria
  5. Seeing When the Job Will Run
  6. Scheduling a Job To Run After Another Job
  7. Triggering Jobs
  8. Displaying the Triggers
  9. Scheduling a Job Differently
  10. Resolving the Revised Schedule
  11. Checking Schedule IDs
  12. Triggering Other Jobs
  13. Other Scheduling Methods
  1. Defining a Predecessor
  2. Preventing Jobs From Running Together
  3. Defining a Manual Predecessor
  4. Displaying Requirements
  5. Connecting Resources to Jobs
  1. Defining Networks
  2. For Input Tasks
  3. For Output Tasks
  4. Scheduling the Networks
  5. Input Network
  6. Output Network
  7. Defining the Input Network as a Predecessor
  8. Defining the Output Network as a Successor
  9. Displaying Network Data
  1. Seeing When Jobs Will Run
  2. Seeing Which Jobs Will Run on Specific Days
  3. Seeing Which Workstations Will Be Scheduled on Specific Days
  4. Displaying Trigger Streams
  1. Documenting Networks
  2. Displaying the Documentation
  3. Documenting Systems
  4. Displaying System Documentation
  5. Documenting Jobs
  6. Displaying a Segment
  1. Listing Current Jobs
  2. Listing By Status or Queue
  3. Listing More About One Job
  4. Listing Requirements
  5. Listing Current Networks
  6. Listing Completed Work
  7. Controlling Work in Progress
  8. Running Jobs By Request
  9. Showing Jobs That Are Waiting
  10. Posting Requirements
  11. Restarting a Failed Job
  12. Changing JCL for a Waiting Job
  13. Posting Networks
  1. Deleting Jobs
  2. Deleting Networks
  3. Deleting Documentation

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