Arich Infotech

Cloud Computing - Amazon Web Service

Introduction to AWSAWS Introduction, Core Services AWS, Costing, Free Tier, Organization of AWS
ComputeEC2, Purchase Options, Security options with in EC2, Elastic Bean Stalk, Batch, Templates and Images, Load balancing (Network & Application), Lambda
MonitoringCloudWatch, Cloud Trail
StorageBlock, File, Object Storage, Machine Image Creation, Accessing Block, File and Object storage from EC2, Snapshots.
NetworkVPC, Subnet, Firewall (Security Group, NACL, Routing Table), Peering, Transit Gateway, VPN gateway, Route 53, Cloud Map, Cloud Front
SecurityIAM, KMS, Cognito, Cloud HSM, Certificate manager
DatabaseRDS, Dynamo DB, Neptune, Elastic cache
DevOpsCloud 9, Code Artifact, Code Build, Code Commit, Code Deploy, Code Pipe Line, Code Star, Elastic Container Service, Elastic Container Register, Elastic Kubernetes Service,
Application IntegrationSNS, SQS, Step Functions, Event Bridge, Simple Work Flow, Lambda, API
Infrastructure as CodeCloudFormation, OpsWorks, Systems Manager,

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