Arich Infotech

Cloud Computing - Microsoft AZURE

IntroductionIntroduction, Organization of Azure, Azure Console Walk Through, Costing and Free Tier
ComputeIntroduction, Creating Azure VMs, Availability Sets & Zones, Custom Images, Azure Scale Sets, Load Balancer and Traffic Manager
StorageStorage Accounts, Over view of Azure Blobs, Tables & Queues, Block Storage, Azure File
NetworkingOverview, VNET and Subnet Creation, Routing table, VPN Peering, VPN Gateways, Site to Site and Point to Site, Express Route
DatabaseIntroduction to Azure Databases, COSMOS DB overview, Working with COSMOS and data, Azure Cache for Redis
API Management & App Server Logic AppsOverview, APIs Policies, Azure Logic Apps Overview, Creating Custom Connectors
SecurityActive Directory, Role based Access Control, Network Security Groups, Application Gateway (WAF), DDoS, Azure Security Center, Manage keys, Secrets, and certificates by using the KeyVault API, Implement Managed Identities for Azure resources, Secure app configuration data by using Azure App Configuration
BackupAzure Recovery Services Vault, Configuring Azure Backup Policies, Configuring IaaS VM Backup and PaaS Apps Backup, Overview of Microsoft Azure Backup Server, Overview of SQL Backups
MonitoringOverview, Configuring Log Analytics, Network Watcher & NPM, VM and Apps Monitoring, Activity & Resource Logs, Metrics, Alerts, Analyze & Troubleshoot, Introduction to Kusto Query Language
DevOpsManage source control, Package Management, Build Strategy, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Release Management
ContainerizationContainer Image Creation, Container Groups, Configuring Sizing and Scaling Azure of Container Instance, Container Registry, Deploying application Via Azure Container Instance, Azure Kubernetes Service, Configuring AKS, AKS Cluster upgrade
Infrastructure as CodeIntroduction to Azure Resource Manager Template, Template Modification, Evaluation of Location Of new Resources, VHD template configuration, Deploying from a template, Managing Image, Automation Runbook – Creation and Execution

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