Arich Infotech

Cloud Fundamentals

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15

Infra 08 - Cloud Fundamentals

Course Code: ICLB28

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Assignment (Lab)

  1. Evolution to Cloud Computing
  2. Concept of Cloud Computing
  3. Collection of services in cloud
  4. How Cloud computing differs from legacy .
  5. Advantages of cloud computing
  6. Examples of Cloud Computing and a small into on all the Platforms (AWS,Azure,GCP,Softlayer)
  1. Concepts of Cloud Model
  2. Introduction to IAAS, PAAS, SAAS
  3. Talk about the components of IAAS
  4. Talk about the components of PAAS
  5. Talk about the components of SAAS
  6. Intro to Private cloud, Public Cloud, community cloud, Hybrid cloud
  7. Introduction to VMware Private Cloud Offerings ( vRealize Suite)
  8. Introduction to AWS Cloud and High level understanding of different AWS Services
  9. Introduction to Azure Cloud and High level understanding of different Azure Services
  10. Introduction to Google Cloud and High level understanding of different Google Services
  11. Introduction to Open stack Private Cloud and High level understanding of Open stack
  1. Explain Private cloud, Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud
  2. Security measures in Cloud Computing
  3. Challenges of Cloud Computing

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