Arich Infotech


Duration in Hours : 20

Duration in Days: 10


Course Code: DOC20CS

10 Hours of Theory

10 Hours Lab

  1. What is Docker?
  2. History and evolution of containers
  3. Benefits of using Docker in development and production
  4. Docker vs. Virtual Machines
  5. Understanding Docker architecture: Docker Engine, Images, Containers, Registries
  1. Installing Docker on Linux, Windows, and macOS
  2. Understanding Docker client, Docker daemon, and Docker Compose
  3. Docker installation verification and configuration
  4. Managing Docker services
  1. Understanding Docker images and containers
  2. Pulling images from Docker Hub
  3. Creating your first container (`docker run`)
  4. Listing, stopping, starting, and removing containers
  5. Docker container lifecycle (`start`, `stop`, `pause`, `kill`)
  6. Inspecting and logging containers
  1. Understanding Docker images and layers
  2. Building custom Docker images using `Dockerfile`
  3. Best practices for writing `Dockerfile`
  4. Image tagging and versioning
  5. Managing images (`docker images`, `docker rmi`)
  6. Pushing images to Docker Hub or private registries
  1. Overview of Docker networking
  2. Creating and managing Docker networks
  3. Bridge networks and host networks
  4. Exposing ports and container communication
  5. Docker DNS and Service Discovery
  6. Linking containers using Docker Compose
  1. Introduction to Docker storage
  2. Managing data with Docker volumes
  3. Mounting host directories as volumes
  4. Persistent storage for containers
  5. Using storage drivers
  6. Backup and restore of Docker containers and volumes
  1. What is Docker Compose?
  2. Writing and understanding `docker-compose.yml`
  3. Defining multi-container applications
  4. Managing application lifecycle with Docker Compose
  5. Using Docker Compose for development and testing
  6. Networking and volumes in Docker Compose
  1. Introduction to Docker Registry (Docker Hub, Amazon ECR, etc.)
  2. Pushing and pulling images to/from a Docker registry
  3. Setting up a private Docker registry
  4. Docker image security scanning
  5. Managing authentication and access control in Docker Registry
  1. Introduction to Docker Swarm mode
  2. Initializing a swarm and adding nodes
  3. Creating services and scaling applications
  4. Managing rolling updates and rollbacks in Docker Swarm
  5. Networking and load balancing in Swarm
  6. Monitoring and maintaining Swarm clusters
  1. Best practices for securing Docker containers
  2. Securing Docker images with Docker Content Trust
  3. Docker and user namespaces for security
  4. Managing container privileges and capabilities
  5. Docker security scanning with `docker scan`
  6. Securing the Docker daemon
  1. Best practices for Docker in production environments
  2. Monitoring Docker containers with tools (Prometheus, Grafana)
  3. Log management for Docker containers
  4. Backup and disaster recovery strategies
  5. Managing Docker updates and upgrades

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