Arich Infotech

Dot Net Basic

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15

Dot Net Course

Course Code: DNTB46

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Lab

  1. Introduction to .NET, Architecture, Framework
  2. .NET File execution, CLR with their components.
  3. Visual studio versions, framework versions.
  4. Understand Project and solutions
  5. Different versions of .NET Framework
  1. Introduction to C#.NET
  2. Built in Class libraries, Writing C#.NET program
  3. Working with Console class, String class, Covert class, DateTime, Math, StringBuilder classes etc.,
  4. CTS (Common Type system)
  5. Working with value types like int, char, double, bool, etc.,
  6. Reference types like object, delegate, pointer, etc.,
  7. Type conversions, ASCII
  8. Working with Placeholders, read different types of data
  9. Control structures if, switch,
  10. Different operators like mathematical, relational, logical, increment and decrement, ternary operator, etc.,
  11. Loops ( while loop, for loop, do..while, foreach loop )
  12. Keywords: break, continue, etc.,
  1. Oops concepts ( Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism)
  2. OOPS using C#.NET (Abstract classes, Interfaces, POCO Classes)
  3. Methods
  4. Parameterized methods ( ref, out, params)
  5. Abstract class, interface, Static class, partial class, sealed class
  6. Exception Handling
  7. Collections & Generics
  8. Assemblies & Class libraries
  1. Introduction to RDBMS
  2. Working with DDL, DML commands
  3. Crud operations using Queries
  4. Crud operations using Stored Procedures
  5. Examples to perform CRUD operations
  1. Overview of HTML Concepts
  2. Overview of CSS Concepts
  3. AJAX Concepts
  4. Standard Data formats: XML and Json, csv format

ASP.NET WebForms Contents

  1. Introduction to Web Application, WebSite, Web Server, Web Browsers, Web Page, WebForm. Different between Client side and Server side scripting.
  2. GET and POST methods
  3. HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects
  4. HTTP protocol, URL, response object, request object.
  5. Page Submission process, ASP.NET page level events.
Creating Web application, Using Server Side Tools, Sample programs using controls like (Textbox, Label, Literal, Calender, Checkbox, RadioButton, etc.,)
Dynamic Polymorphism, Real-time examples using List Controls(CheckboxList, RadioButtonList, BulletedList, DropDownList, ListBox).

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