Arich Infotech

IBM AS/400 Administration

IntroductionAn introduction to the AS/400 environments, The evolution of IBM midrange computers, AS/ 400 architecture, Layered design concept, Data storage and AS/400 objects, Single-level storage, Types of computer programs, Operating system software, Application programs, Integrated language environment (ILE) , Accessing the AS/400 computer system, User profile, The AS/400 sign-on, The AS/400 sign-off process
AS400 BasicsNavigating around the AS/400, User interface, User interface components, Interfaces, Sign-on screen, The AS/400 main menu, The system request menu, User interface-Help support, Contextual Help, Extended Help, Help message levels, Assistance levels
Objects & LibrariesObjects, libraries, and library lists, AS/400 objects & object management, Object commands, Functions that can be performed on objects, Managing system objects, Libraries, Product libraries, User libraries, Creating libraries, Working with libraries, Displaying libraries, Deleting libraries, Library list, Setting up a library list, Changing the library list, Displaying a library list, Using the library list
Message HandlingMessages & Message queues, displaying messages, sending impromptu or user messages, SNDMSG command, sending a message, Sending a break message, Message menu, Message files, Additional lab assignments
Spool HandlingHandling spooled files & printing functions, The printing process, Commands for printing, Output queue commands, Printer writer commands
Managing DevicesIntroduction, Automatic configuration, Manually creating and maintaining device descriptions, Listing device descriptions, Working with device descriptions, Working with devices, Learning about A/400 hardware, DASD and user auxiliary storage pools, Controlling asps o Setting asp thresholds
Starting and stopping the as/400What an IPL does, When to IPL, Control panel, IPL storage area, Stopping and Starting the AS/400, Auto power off & on, System values important to IPLS, License key
InstallationOperating system, licensed program products, and PTFs, Monitoring OS/400, Ordering OS/400, Installation of OS/400, Licensed Program Product (LPP), Programming Request for Price Quotations (PRPQs), Program temporary fix: PTF
Backup and RecoveryIntroduction, Backup, Save Command Menu, Save Commands, Save System (SAVSYS), SAVCFG, SAVSECDTA, SAVLIB, SAVCHGOBJ, SAVOBJ, SAVSAVFDTA, SAVLICPGM, SAV, SAVDLO, Save-while-active, Save-while-active save, Things not saved, Restore commands, Restores, Backup strategies, Verify the backup strategy, Backup and recovery time-savers
Security and Security System ValuesIntroduction, System security level, User profiles, Special authorities & user classes, Group profiles, Object security, Ownership-single & group, Adopted authorities, System values & system security, Security commands, Managing user profiles, Detailed look at the create user profile command, User profile parameter considerations, Shortcuts to entering user profiles, Deleting user profiles, User profile parameters & object security
Working with JobsOverview, Job types, Job descriptions, Job names & numbers, Job classes, Job queues (batch jobs only), Working with jobs 388, Submitting jobs, Work with jobs
SubsystemsOverview, Memory: storage pools and activity levels, Storage pools, Activity level, Using memory & activity levels, Creating private pools/ assigning shared pools, Changing pool memory/activity levels, Deleting pools, Pool names, Subsystems, Routing entries, Workstation entries (interactive jobs only), Starting/ending subsystems
Work Management and PerformanceThings that make jobs run, How the as/400 runs, New systems-where to now, Performance components, Performance tips
Messages and LogsMessages, logs & cleanup, Messages, Messages to users, Message constructions, System operator message queue: QSYSOPR, System reply list, History logs (QHST), Job logs, Logging level, Displaying the job log, Job accounting, Set up job accounting, Displaying job accounting journal, Security audit journal, Set up the system for security auditing, Set the system valves, Set security auditing on objects/users, Managing security audit journal receivers, Viewing security audit journal receivers, Security audit planning, System cleanup, Automatic cleanup, Clean up user profiles, Clean up licensed programs, Clean up old device descriptions, Miscellaneous cleanup tasks
TroubleshootingBasic troubleshooting, problem solving and using electronic customer support, Hardware-related problems, General problem solving, Jobs fail, System reference codes (SRCS), Troubleshooting-two common problems, A system printer that does not work, A tape drive that does not work, Using ECS for problem solving, Uses of ECS, working with problem logs, Deleting old problem logs
JournalingJournal receiver, Setting up journaling, Maintaining journals, Receiver chains, Miscellaneous journaling functions, Using journals, Journaling performance considerations, Journaling strategy, Journaling to a remote as/400, Commitment control
Communications: SNA, APPC & APPNSystems Network Architecture (SNA), Advanced Peer-To-Peer Communications (APPC), Advanced Peer-To-Peer Networking (APPN), Nodes, Control Points & Class-Of-Service, APPCIAPPN Configuration, Creating location/configuration lists (APPN only), Network attributes, Cl commands for communications, Using APPC/APPN, Using APPC Functions, Automatic or manual configuration, Electronic Customer Support (ECS)
Communications: IANS & TCP/IPProtocols, AS/400 LAN overview, Token-Ring, Ethernet, Wireless, Distributed Data Interface (DDI), Frame relay (FR), As/400 LAN CL Commands, Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), TCP/IP 655, TCP/IP CL commands, TCP/IP applications, Connecting the as/400 to the internet
Operations NavigatorStarting operations navigator, Using operations navigator, General Functions of operations navigator, Basic operations, Job management, Configuration & Service, Network, Security, Users & Groups, Database, File systems, Multimedia, Backup, Application Development, Plug-in Support, Function Availability

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