Arich Infotech

iOS/ Android Development

iOS/ Android Development

Topic Learnings
Android Development
Android Java Concepts (OOPS, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Package, JVM & .jar file, Multithreading) Exceptions, SQL Concepts (DML, DDL), Android Overview, Architecture, Installation of App Studio, Configuring App Studio, Application Structure, Resources, Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content providers, Fragments, Intent/Filters, Launching Emulator, Emulator Settings, Logcat usage, DDMS
Kotlin Overview, DataTypes, Operators, String Interpolation, Control Statements, Break and Continue, Nullables, Arrays, Lists, Sets and Maps, Lambda Expressions, Understanding State
OOPS in Kotlin Classes and Objects, Initializers, scope and shadowing, member variables, setters and getters, Data class, inheritance, abstract class, typecasting, nested and inner class, safe cast and unsafe cast, exception handling, Generic Object and Extensions
UI Layouts, user Input, Controls, Event Handling, Styles and Themes, Custom Components, View and View Group, Widgets, Colors, Strings.xml, Creating, Creating Menu, Drawable, Creating Custom Shapes, Font, CheckBox, Radio Button, Spinner, Time Picker, Date Picker, Progress Bar, Images, metadata, Popup, Alerts, Adapters, Scrollable List, ICON, simple animation, Two Pane Layout, Adaptive Layouts
App Components App Lifecycle, Intents, Explicit Intent, Implicit Intent, Manifest, Gradle, Unscramble App Introduction, Data in View Model, LiveData with ViewModel
Internet Connection HTTP/REST, Loading and Displaying Images from Internet, Debug with Breakpoints, Get Data from Internet
Libraries Location, GPS, Google Maps API, Third party Libraries -DEXTER
Fragments Fragment Lifecycle, Tab Layout, Navigation bar, Grid View
Data Persistence SQL Basics, Room and Flow, Room Kotlin API’s, Persist Data with Room, Repository Pattern, Preference Data Store
Scheduling Work Manager basics, Work Manager Implementation, Back Ground With Work Manager
Threads Threads running on UI Thread, Worker Thread, Handlers and Runnable, Async Task, Live Folders, using sdcards, XML Parsing, JSON Parsing
iOS Development
Introduction Overview, XCode Installation, XCode Overview, Objective C overview, Simulator
Swift Overview, Variables & Constants, Variable Types, Predefining Types, Array, Set, Dictionaries, Control Statements, Functions, Optional, Struct, Reference Vs Value Types, Mutating Functions, Tuple, Guard Let, Switch Case, BreakPoints
Layout Overview, Adding Constraints, Programmatic Views, Mathematical Operations, Creating Buttons, Story Board and Interface Builder, Widget Kit
UI Controls Label, Button, TextField, DatePicker, Slider, Stepper, Switch, segment Control, Container Views, Content Views, View Controller, Tab Bar Interface, Navigation Interface, Setting & Using cocoapods
Architecture Pattern Model View Controller, View-Model, View Presenter
Web Almofire Library, Fetching Data through get request, Parsing JSON response, Image Caching, Pull to refresh functionality, saving and getting data from user defaults
Database Core Data, Managed Object Model, Persistent Object Co-Ordinator
Threading Multithreading, Concurrency, Handling Background tasks
Deployment Uploading App to the App Store

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