Arich Infotech

Java Core

Duration in Hours : 40

Duration in Days: 20

Java Core

Course Code: JVCR20CS

30 Hours of Theory

10 Hours of Lab

  1. Basics of Java, Class, Object, and Types of classes, Data types in Java, Variables, Constants, and Literals
  2. Packages in Java , Methods in Java, Constructor in Java
  3. Modifiers in Java, static, final, Inner Class in Java
  4. OOPs concepts, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Super and this Keyword
  5. Polymorphism
  6. Abstraction
  7. Exception Handling
  8. Input-Output Stream
  9. Collections Framework
  10. Serialization, Java Annotations, Reflection in Java
  11. Java Array , String, String Buffer, String Builder
  12. Multithreading
  13. JDBC
  14. Project
  1. What is Java?
  2. History
  3. Versioning
  4. The Java Virtual Machine
  5. Writing a Java Program
  6. Packages
  7. Simple Java Programs
  1. Primitive Data Types
  3. The for Statement
  4. The if Statement
  5. The while and do while Statements
  6. The switch Statement
  7. The break Statement
  8. The continue Statement
  9. Operators
  10. Casts and Conversions
  11. Keywords
  1. Defining New Data Types
  2. Constructors
  3. The String Class
  4. String Literals
  5. Documentation
  6. Packages
  7. The StringBuffer Class
  8. Naming Conventions
  9. The Date Class
  10. The import Statement
  11. Deprecation
  12. The StringTokenizer Class
  13. The DecimalFormat Class
  1. Introduction
  2. Method Signatures
  3. Arguments and Parameters
  4. Passing Objects to Methods
  5. Method Overloading
  6. Static Methods
  7. The Math Class
  8. The System Class
  9. Wrapper Classes
  1. Introduction
  2. Processing Arrays
  3. Copying Arrays
  4. Passing Arrays to Methods
  5. Arrays of Objects
  6. The Arrays Class
  7. Command Line Arguments
  8. Multidimensional Arrays
  1. Introduction
  2. Constructors
  3. The this Reference
  4. Data Hiding
  5. public and private Members
  6. Access Levels
  7. Composition
  8. Static Data Members
  1. Introduction
  2. A Simple Example
  3. The Object Class
  4. Method Overriding
  5. Polymorphism
  6. Additional Inheritance Examples
  7. Other Inheritance Issues
  1. Introduction
  2. Abstract Classes
  3. Abstract Class Example
  4. Extending an Abstract Class
  5. Interfaces
  1. Introduction
  2. Exception Handling
  3. The Exception Hierarchy
  4. Checked Exceptions
  5. Advertising Exceptions with throws
  6. Developing Your Own Exception Classes
  7. The finally Block
  1. Introduction
  2. The File Class
  3. Standard Streams
  4. Keyboard Input
  5. File I/O Using Byte Streams
  6. Character Streams
  7. File I/O Using Character Streams
  8. Buffered Streams
  9. File I/O Using a Buffered Stream
  10. Keyboard Input Using a Buffered Stream
  11. Writing Text Files
  1. Threads vs. Processes
  2. Creating Threads by Extending Thread
  3. Creating Threads by Implementing Runnable
  4. Advantages of Using Threads
  5. Daemon Threads
  6. Thread States
  7. Thread Problems
  8. Synchronization
  1. Introduction
  2. Vectors
  3. Hash tables
  4. Enumerations
  5. Properties
  6. Collection Framework Hierarchy
  7. Lists
  8. Sets
  9. Maps
  10. The Collections Class

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