Arich Infotech

Java Full Stack

Duration in Hours : 60

Duration in Days: 30

Java Full Stack

Course Code: JVFS20CS

30 Hours of Theory

30 Hours of Lab

  1. HTML5
  2. CSS3
  3. Javascript
  4. Jquery
  5. Bootstrap
  7. Basics of Java, Class, Object, and Types of classes, Data types in Java, Variables, Constants, and Literals
  8. Packages in Java , Methods in Java, Constructor in Java
  9. Modifiers in Java , static, final, Inner Class in Java
  10. OOPs concepts, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Super and this Keyword,
  11. Polymorphism
  12. Abstraction
  13. Exception Handling
  14. Input-Output Stream
  15. Collections Framework
  16. Serialization, Java Annotations, Reflection in Java
  17. Java Array , String, String Buffer, String Builder
  18. Multithread
  19. JDBC
  20. Project
  21. Servlet
  22. JSP
  23. Spring core, Maven
  24. Spring core
  25. TDD, JUnit, Code Quality, Mockito
  26. Slf4j and Lombok, SonarQube
  27. Git
  28. Application Debugging
  29. Hibernate
  30. SpringMVC with spring boot
  31. Spring Data JPA
  32. Spring REST using Spring Boot
  33. MicroServices with Spring Cloud
  34. Docker Basics
  35. Angular/React
  36. Project

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