Arich Infotech

LINUX with Power Shell Scripting

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15

Infra 05 – Linux with PowerShell

Course Code: ILOS25

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Lab

  1. Understanding Linux
  2. Different Linux distributions and RHEL
  3. Installing RHEL
  4. Accessing RHEL server GUI and TUI
  5. Getting help – Man page /Info page / etc..
  6. Familiarizing with different tools available in GUI to manage the RHEL system
  7. How to perform activities from CLI – Different commands
  8. How to configure RJHEL system – setting up date and time, configuring printer etc..
  9. Local storage – Storage concepts /How to access Local storage / Partitioning Local storage
  10. Logical Volume Concepts
  11. System Monitoring – TUI & GUI tools
  12. Manage software – Install/ Remove and Upgrade
  13. Networking In Linux – How to configure network
  14. User management
  15. Manage file – Create / Delete / Secure file access
  16. Remote administration tools – SSH / telnet / rsync / VNC etc..
  17. File system management – Create / Modify / Mount / Unmount etc..
  18. Virtualization – Basic virtualization concepts – Hypervisor / Install Virtual machine
  19. Boot process and procedure
  20. Shared file system concepts – NAS – nfs / cifs etc..
  21. Configuring HTTPD and FTP services
  1. PowerShell Introduction, Syntax, Snapins & Modules, Operators, Objects, Datatypes etc..
  2. PowerShell Remoting, PS Drives & Providers
  3. PowerShell DSC Overview
  4. PowerShell DSC Installation/ Configuration
  5. Configuration of Local configuration manager
  6. DSC scripting
  7. Module& Resources Introduction
  8. Brief about Pull vs Push models
  9. DSC Into modules for Linux
  1. Python Overview
  2. Python Installation/ Configuration
  3. Python Scripting & OOPS Concept
  4. An introduction about Modules in Python
  5. Web Scrapping, Working with Files
  6. Python Flask and Fast API topics
  7. Python developer guidance

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