Arich Infotech

Mainframe - COBOL Programming

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15

MFAPP – 04 COBOL Programming

Course Code: MACP03

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Lab

  1. COBOL Divisions
  2. COBOL Sections
  3. COBOL Data Types and Level Numbers
  4. Start writing simple COBOL Program
  1. Add operation
  2. Subtract Operation
  3. Multiplication Operation
  4. Divisor Operation
  5. Rounded Option
  6. On Size Error Option
  7. Move Verbs
  1. Group Data item Declaration
  2. Corresponding Clauses (Move, Add, Subtract)
  3. Usage clause
  1. Unconditional Branch
  2. Branching Concepts
  3. Different types of Conditions
  4. Condition name Condition
  5. Examples with different types of Conditions using IF statements
  6. Evaluate statement with examples
  7. Developing programs with IF and Evaluate
  1. Different types of perform statements
  2. Developing program skills with perform
  3. Different examples on perform statement
  1. Rename Clause
  2. Redefines Clause
  3. Table Handling Function
  4. Occurs Clause
  5. Single dimension Array
  6. Search Functions – Binary / Linear Search
  7. Multi Dimension Array Handling
  1. Non VSAM File Handling
  2. Sorting the Data
  3. Merging the Data
  4. VSAM File Access Methods
  5. VSAM Access through COBOL Program
  7. Sequential / Random / Dynamic Access Techniques
  8. KSDS VSAM Access through COBOL Program
  9. Sequential / Random / Dynamic Access Techniques
  10. Alternative Key Handling
  1. Sub Routines Handling
  2. Important of COPY and CALL Statement
  3. Variable Length File Handling
  4. Linkage Section Importance
  5. Compiler Options
Cobol-  Review  and Cobol Case Study

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