Arich Infotech

Mainframe - IMS DB Administration

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 96

Duration in Days: 24

MFSYS – 11 Advanced Module IMS DB Administration for Mainframe

Course Code: MSID20

12 Days of Theory and Lab

Lab and Assignments included

IMS Database Administration Modules

  1. Database manager
  2. Database handling
  3. Other Data Language/Integrated (DL/I) functions
  4. TM
  5. Transaction message processing
  6. Fast path
  7. Large system environment
  8. Distributed processing
  9. IMS –DB2 Attachment
  1. Introduction to DL/I
  2. DL/I application programming techniques
  3. Use of the DL/I test program
  4. Introduction to IMS access methods
  5. Hierarchic Indexed Sequential Access Method (HISAM), Hierarchic Indexed Direct Access Method (HIDAM), and Hierarchic Direct Access Method (HDAM) physical storage characteristics and organizations
  6. Introduction to High Availability Large Database (HALDB)
  7. DBD, PSB, and JCL datasets and coding
  1. Introduction to IMS database tuning
  2. Introduction to the lab project
  3. Review of the IMS access methods
  4. Measuring IMS database performance
  5. Lab 1: the base case
  6. Lab 2: using IMS reports
  7. Tuning VSAM buffers
  8. Lab 3: tuning VSAM buffers
  9. Tuning VSAM data sets
  10. Lab 4: tuning VSAM data sets
  11. Additional performance issues
  12. Tuning secondary indexes
  13. Lab 5: tuning secondary indexes
  14. Tuning HDAM
  15. Lab 6: tuning HDAM
  16. Tuning OSAM data sets and buffers
  17. Lab 7: OSAM data sets and buffers
  18. Other tuning considerations
  1. IMS security overview
  2. Default security overview
  3. SMU overview
  4. RACF overview
  5. Sign-on security
  6. Transaction security
  7. Command security
  8. Automated operator program security
  9. Dependent region and Application Group Name (AGN) security
  10. Security for IMS client/server interfaces (TCP/IP, Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC), Open Transaction Manager Access (OTMA), and Open Database Access (ODBA))
  11. Security for Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) and Intersystem Communication (ISC) environments
  12. Planning for RACF implementation
  13. Database control (CICS/IMS) and coordinator control (IMS/DB2) security
  1. Setup for IMS installation
  2. Installation of the IMS product using SMP/E
  1. Review IMS documentation setup process
  2. IMS and z/os control block structure overview
  3. IPCS analysis overview
  4. IMS wait analysis overview
  5. IMS ABEND analysis overview
  6. Dump Analysis exercise

Enhancements and new functionality of IMS V8:

  • – Database Recovery and Sharing Control (DBRC) enhancements
  • – Image Copy 2 enhancements
  • – Data Entry Database (DEDB) enhancements
  • – Remote site recovery and coordinated IMS and DB2 disaster recovery
  • – Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC) enhancements
  • – Transaction trace (new function)
  • – Syntax checker Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) application
  • – Parallel database open and close processing (new function)
  • – Resource Recovery Services (RRS) support for IMS batch regions (new function)
  • – Support for Java dependent regions (new function)


Overview of the Common Service Layer, the next step in the IMS architecture, which offers improved systems management through:

  • – Automatic Recovery Control Data Set (RECON) loss notification
  • – Operations manager and the single point of control
  • – Resource manager and sysplex terminal management
  1. DBRC overview
  2. DBRC installation
  3. DBRC log control
  4. Database Sharing

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