Arich Infotech

Mainframe - Network Administration

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 96

Duration in Days: 24

MFSYS – 07 Mainframe Networking

Course Code: MSNW18

12 Days of Theory and Lab

Lab and Assignments included

  1. SNA subarea network and APPN
  2. VTAM node types
  3. VTAM start options and configuration
  4. VTAM major node definitions
  5. SNA over IP & Enterprise Extender
  6. External LAN attached devices configuration within VTAM
  7. VTAM Operator commands
  1. z/OS Communications Server Configuration
  2. Networking scope in mainframe
  3. TCPIP profile configuration used to build a TCPIP stack
  4. Effective management of TCP Data
  5. Telnet setup associated with TCPIP stack
  6. Resolver setup and versions of IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6)
  7. TCP/IP customization based on different kinds of requirements
  8. Device&Link/Interface statements and activating OSA devices
  9. z/OS Unix setup for Socket usage
  10. Using TCPIP with IMS and DB2
  11. Using CICS sockets API
  1. Virtual IP addressing (Static/Dynamic/Distributed)
  2. Routing table (Static/Dynamic)
  3. Routing mechanisms & IP datagrams
  4. Dynamic routing using OMPROUTE (OSPF & RIP)
  5. Sysplex distributor
  6. Work load balancing using sysplex distribution
  1. Virtual IP addressing (Static/Dynamic/Distributed)
  2. Routing table (Static/Dynamic)
  3. Routing mechanisms & IP datagrams
  4. Dynamic routing using OMPROUTE (OSPF & RIP)
  5. Sysplex distributor
  6. Work load balancing using sysplex distribution
  1. Cryptography in z/OS
  2. IP Security & Filtering
  3. Firewall build to limit/isolate connectivity of a LPAR
  4. SSL and TLS
  5. Application Transparent-Transport Layer Security
  6. Certificate management for Communication Server subsystems
  1. Unencrypted FTP
  2. FTPSecure
  3. sshFTP
  1. Session Management Products
  2. Network Management Products
  3. File transfer Products
  4. Enterprise Output Management Products

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