Arich Infotech

Mainframe - REXX Programming

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15


Course Code: MARP09

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Lab


  1. What is REXX?
  2. SAAs Relationship to REXX
  3. Differentiate Between CLIST and REXX

REXX Expressions     

  1. Explicit Execution
  2. Implicit Execution
  3. System Files SYSPROC and SYSEXEC
  4. Use of % for Implicit Execution
  5. Executing an Exec from Various Environments
  6. Create Variables and Assign Values
  7. Operators (Arithmetic, Logical, Comparison, Concatenation and Priority)
  8. Create and Evaluate Expressions
  9. Terminal I/O and Control Structures
  10. SAY, PULL and PARSE Statements
  11. Branching Structures IF-THEN-ELSE, SELECT-WHEN-OTHERWISE
  12. Looping Structures DO, DO-WHILE, DO-FOREVER, DO-UNTIL
  13. Interrupt Statements EXIT, LEAVE
  1. Functions vs. Subroutines
  2. External vs. Internal
  3. Using Built-In Functions
  4. Writing Functions/Subroutines
  5. Passing Data To and From Functions/Subroutines
  6. Special Variables RC, RESULT
  7. Using Arguments

Host Environment Commands

  1. Compound Variables and Stems
  2. Compound Variable vs. Array Processing
  3. Data Stacks
  4. Data Stacks vs. Traditional STACK and QUEUE Structures
  5. Data Stacks and the PULL Statement
  6. Data Stacks as Argument Lists
  7. Buffers and Related Functions
  8. Data Stack Functions: MAKEBUF, DROPBUF, QBUF
  10. Issuing Host Commands from an Exec
  11. Host Environments
  12. EXECIO for Data Set Processing
  1. TRACE Instruction
  2. EXECUTIL (TS) and EXECUTIL (TE) Commands
  3. Special Variables RC and SIGL

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