Arich Infotech


Duration in Hours : 30

Duration in Days: 15


Course Code: MYSQLDBA20CS

20 Hours of Theory

10 Hours Lab

  1. Introduction of MySQL
  2. MySQL Features
  3. MySQL Advantage
  4. MySQL Installation
  5. MySQL Data Types
  6. MySQL Variables
  1. MySQL Create User
  2. MySQL Drop User
  3. MySQL show Users
  4. Change User Password
  1. MySQL Create Database
  2. MySQL Select Database
  3. MySQL Show Database
  4. MySQL Drop Database  
  1. MySQL Create Table
  2. MySQL Drop Table
  3. MySQL Alter Table
  4. MySQL Show Table
  5. MySQL Truncate Table
  6. MySQL Temporary Table
  7. MySQL Copy Table
  8. MySQL Views   
  1. MySQL Queries
  2. MySQL Constraints
  3. MySQL insert Query
  4. MySQL Update Query
  5. MySQL Delete Query
  6. MySQL Select Query
  7. Insert On Duplicate Key Update               
  1. MySQL Create Index
  2. MySQL Drop Index
  3. MySQL show Index
  4. MySQL Clustered Index
  5. MySQL Clustered vs Non-Clustered Index
  1. MySQL Where
  2. MySQL AND
  3. MySQL OR
  5. MySQL Limit
  6. MySQL Order By
  7. MySQL Group By
  8. MySQL Having
  9. MySQL Distinct
  10. MySQL Union
  11. MySQL Union All MySQL Flow Function
  12. MySQL IF()
  13. MySQL IFNULL()
  14. MySQL NULLIF()
  15. MySQL CASE
  16. MySQL IF Statement                      
  1. MySQL Join
  2. MySQL Inner Join
  3. MySQL Outer Join
  4. MySQL Cross Join
  5. MySQL Self Join
  6. MySQL Delete Join
  7. MySQL Union vs Join
  1. Primary Key
  2. Foreign Key
  3. Unique Key
  4. Composite Key Aggregate Function
  5. MySQL count()
  6. MySQL sum()
  7. MySQL avg()
  8. MySQL max()
  9. MySQL min()
  10. MySQL first()
  11. MySQL last()
  1. MySQL Comments
  2. MySQL Commands Cheat-Sheet
  3. MySQL Transaction
  4. MySQL Cursor
  5. MySQL Limit
  6. MySQL Stored Function
  7. MySQL Format Function
  8. MySQL Ranking Function
  9. MySQL window Function
  10. MySQL Union
  11. MySQL Varchar
  12. MySQL Enum
  13. MySQL Set
  14. MySQL Decimal
  15. MySQL Cast
  16. MySQL Convert()
  17. MySQL wildcards
  18. MySQL Alias
  19. MySQL Function
  20. MySQL Trigger                                  

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