Arich Infotech


Duration in Hours : 15

Duration in Days: 7


Course Code: NGS20CS

7 Hours of Theory

8 Hours Lab

  1. Understand and appreciate Nagios as a Continuous Monitoring tool.
  2. What is Continous Monitoring?
  3. Need for Continuous Monitoring Tools
  4. Overview of Nagios
  5. Install Nagios
  6. Use cases and features
  7. Installation and setup maven based project
  1. Understand Nagios architecture and add a remote server to Nagios.
  2. Nagios Architecture
  3. NRPE plugin
  4. Add a remote server using NRPE
  5. Install NRPE on a remote server to monitor using a Nagios web interface
  1. All the above-discussed topics will be implemented to create and maintain a server using Nagios
  2. Deploy a simple web application on a server
  3. Add NRPE to monitor using the server
  4. Perform URL monitoring, HTTPS status, content monitoring, hijack detection, etc

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