Arich Infotech

R Programming - Basic

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15

R Programming Course

Course Code: RP20CS

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Lab

  1. Installation of R & R Studio
  2. Features of R
  3. Variables in R
  4. Constants in R
  5. Operators in R
  6. Datatypes and R Objects
  7. Accepting Input from keyboard
  8. Important Built-in functions
  1. Creating Vectors
  2. Accessing elements of a Vector
  3. Operations on Vectors
  4. Vector Arithmetic
  1. I statement
  2. if…else statement
  3. if else() function
  4. switch() function
  5. repeat loop
  6. while loop
  7. for loop
  8. break statement
  9. next statement
  1. Formal and Actual arguments
  2. Named arguments
  3. Global and local variables
  4. Argument and lazy evaluation of functions
  5. Recursive functions
  1. Creating matrices
  2. Accessing elements of a Matrix
  3. Operations on Matrices
  4. Matrix transpose
  1. Creating strings
  2. paste() and paste0()
  3. Formatting numbers and string using format()
  4. String manipulation
  1. Creating lists
  2. Manipulating list elements
  3. Merging lists
  4. Converting lists to vectors
  1. Creating arrays
  2. Accessing array elements
  3. Calculations across array elements
  1. Understanding factors
  2. Modifying factors
  3. Factors in Data frames
  1. Creating data frame
  2. Operations on data frames
  3. Accessing data frames
  4. Creating data frames from various sources
  1. Need for data visualization
  2. Bar plot
  3. Plotting categorical data
  4. Stacked bar plot
  5. Histogram
  6. plot() function and line plot
  7. pie chart / 3D pie chart
  8. Scatter plot
  9. Box plot
  1. Important functions in stringr
  2. Regular expressions

DPLYR Package

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