Arich Infotech

React JS/Node JS

Topic Learnings
React JS
Introduction Overview, Architecture, Installation, Features, Creating a Sample Application
JSX Variable, Functions, Expressions, Attributes, Namespace, Rendering HTML, Rendering React Components
Component & Styling Component Creation, Class Component, Function Component, Controlled Component, Un Controlled Component, Formik, CSS Style Sheet, Inline Styling, CSS Style Modules, List
Properties/Event Overview, Methods as Properties, Property Types, Unidirectional Data Flow, Key Events, Event Pooling, Event Handlers, Routers, Types of Routers, Link, Switching, Fragments
State Overview, State Management, Stateless Component, State Management using React Hooks, Component Life Cycle, Component Life Cycle using React Hooks, Effect React Hook, Pagination
Redux Concepts, Redux API, Provider Component
Flux Overview, Flux Vs MVC, Data Flow, Action, Dispatcher, Store, View
Deployment Deployment in HTTP Server and NPM
Node JS
Introduction Overview, Installation, Node.js process model, Sample Program
REPL Invoking the REPL, Simple Expressions, Multiline Expressions, Variables, Underscore Variables, REPL Commands
NPM Installing Node Package manager, Global vs Local Installation, Creating a module
Basics Data Types, Buffer, Loose Typing, Object Literal, Functions, Process Objects, Callback
Modules Core Modules, Local Modules, Writing a Modules, Exporting Modules
Event Event Driven Programming, Event Emitters, , Creation of child processes in Node Js
Streams Reading/Writing/Piping/Chaining streams, File System, Global Objects
Utility Modules OS, Path, Net, DNS, Domain
Web Modules Architecture, Creation of Webserver/Client using Node js, Express
API RestFulApi
Deployment Packaging a Node JS application using JXCore

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