Topic | Learnings |
React JS | |
Introduction | Overview, Architecture, Installation, Features, Creating a Sample Application |
JSX | Variable, Functions, Expressions, Attributes, Namespace, Rendering HTML, Rendering React Components |
Component & Styling | Component Creation, Class Component, Function Component, Controlled Component, Un Controlled Component, Formik, CSS Style Sheet, Inline Styling, CSS Style Modules, List |
Properties/Event | Overview, Methods as Properties, Property Types, Unidirectional Data Flow, Key Events, Event Pooling, Event Handlers, Routers, Types of Routers, Link, Switching, Fragments |
State | Overview, State Management, Stateless Component, State Management using React Hooks, Component Life Cycle, Component Life Cycle using React Hooks, Effect React Hook, Pagination |
Redux | Concepts, Redux API, Provider Component |
Flux | Overview, Flux Vs MVC, Data Flow, Action, Dispatcher, Store, View |
Deployment | Deployment in HTTP Server and NPM |
Node JS | |
Introduction | Overview, Installation, Node.js process model, Sample Program |
REPL | Invoking the REPL, Simple Expressions, Multiline Expressions, Variables, Underscore Variables, REPL Commands |
NPM | Installing Node Package manager, Global vs Local Installation, Creating a module |
Basics | Data Types, Buffer, Loose Typing, Object Literal, Functions, Process Objects, Callback |
Modules | Core Modules, Local Modules, Writing a Modules, Exporting Modules |
Event | Event Driven Programming, Event Emitters, , Creation of child processes in Node Js |
Streams | Reading/Writing/Piping/Chaining streams, File System, Global Objects |
Utility Modules | OS, Path, Net, DNS, Domain |
Web Modules | Architecture, Creation of Webserver/Client using Node js, Express |
API | RestFulApi |
Deployment | Packaging a Node JS application using JXCore |
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