Power of thoughts
Power of thoughts
Thoughts can make or break a person. It can lift someone also break someone. At corporate we need to develop better culture where we lift the fellow colleagues. When a person made mistakes. It is wise of a leader to use constructive criticism. Our thoughts should be of to build others. So that our words will reflect that thought. When we correct someone we should make sure to lift them. Our thoughts will reflect in our words. Some of us have this habit of speaking without screening our thoughts. Not everything we think can be said out loud. We might be in a position to correct others. But we should screen our thoughts so that our words will be of some use when it comes out. “Thought” when it is uncorrupted can give a clarity in mind which enables a person to think clearly. A right thought at a right time can work wonders. We might be holding a powerful position but with a right thinking mind which is filled with right intentions with pure motives can produce amazing results. Having noble thoughts will result in noble accomplishment. With a powerful thought to help a community one can raise a generation who change the society for the better. It is okay if we are not able to change the world. But we can change our thoughts and influence those who around us to become better version of themselves. Corporate world is considered as a cat and rat race. A tom and Jerry world where we chase victory to beat it to conquer it. But rather when we conquer our mind with powerful thoughts we accomplish much better things.