Understanding the Mantra to be fruitful in work and yet avoid Long Hours
Long Hours are not required to succeed in our careers. Yes, it is a fact, that on some days we might have to stretch a little to finish some important task like a product launch or a bug fix. But this should not be the norm.
The mantra required to maintain productivity and fruitfulness in work is consistent effort and focus on the proper time. Productivity in work requires preparation and care in terms of setting goals, organizing tasks, managing time, and acquiring necessary skills.
We also need to learn the skill of adapting to changing circumstances, such as changes in job responsibilities, technology, or workplace culture. The inability to do so can cause adverse effects on our careers, especially in tech-related work.
The results of productive and fruitful work must be utilized to achieve desired outcomes, such as meeting business goals, achieving personal satisfaction, or improving financial well-being.