Work life is full of tasks. Setting priorities in finishing the task will help reduce the risk of failing to do important work. No one wishes to have a stressful life and an important thing one can do to avoid stress is to keep their priorities straight. What is stress? Stress is caused when a lot of work is before you and there is not enough time to do it. Ok, then why should we prioritize work? To regulate the workflow prioritizing is important. Finishing the task that requires your immediate attention will help you avoid unnecessary problems. Take a notebook. Write what is important to be done. Write the time and date on which it should be finished. Do the task one by one. Make sure you didn’t miss the work with the top priority. If we miss it this is going to end up escalating the situation. To have a regular flow in the work. Prioritize the work that needs your prime attention. On this Stephen Covey rightfully said ” The key is not to prioritize what is on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.