It takes courage to step up when we need to do the work. As a person who just joined the work. It is tough to gather courage and step up for the need of the moment. Especially when you have no prior experience in the job. You have to be your own facilitator to take every step that needs to be taken to get the job done. When a person who has never worked with emails is given a job where they need to solve the issues only through mail. There is no other way for him/ her but to encourage himself/ herself to face it. Dealing with the problem face to face is the only way to grow. Push yourself to step up. Push yourself to make the move even if you are to step into the unknown. We need to develop the courage to encounter the situation. Instead of waiting to get things done. We should make a bold move to get it done. Only practice makes perfect. If we are waiting for perfection it will never happen. It is totally fine to make mistakes. It is completely fine even if people make fun of you. None can learn to handle sword fighting in a day. Every day one needs to practice. Practice includes the moments where one will fail. Trust that failure is just a stepping stone to success and you make it sure that you step up.