Strategic communications
Strategic communications
Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people. -William Butler Yeats
Communication is a powerful tool. It is important to learn to use it wisely. A word said at the right time is like a golden fruit set in a silver plate said the wise book. It is good if we have good language skill. It is good if we have great knowledge on everything under the sun. But it is excellent when we know how to say the things that need to be said. Only when we have this skill we can make our voices to be heard. Having the knowledge is good but knowing how to express with strategy is different. Here is where comes the strategic communications skill.
Strategic communications is the art of communicating in a way that achieves specific goals or objectives. It involves planning, executing and evaluating communication strategies to achieve desired outcomes. We should know what to say, how to say to achieve the goal. Knowing the right content, right way of delivering the message is the strategic communications.
All of us or most of us must be familiar with the popular speech from Literature. This is from the book “Julius Caesar”. Antony will give a speech before the lifeless body of Julius Caesar. As the enemies of Julius Caesar are around him. He will deliver the speech with tactics. Finally he was able to achieve the goal. He was able to stir the mob. He was able to move them. He was able to make the mob to act against the enemies of Julius Caesar. This is just an example.
Histories have been created with great speech. Great speakers, Great CEO’s know how to get their goals through this strategic communications.
Once the goals and objectives have been identified, it is important to develop a communication plan. This plan should include a clear message, a target audience, and a communication channel. The message should be tailored to the audience and should be delivered through the appropriate channel. The timing of the communication is also important, as it can affect the effectiveness of the message.
In conclusions companies should have this kind of strategic communications to achieve their goals. Setting a plan based on the goal and achieving it with excellent communication is the need of the hour.