Bragging happens in our corporate world. Do we insult others when they often come to us with queries. And tell that we learned everything with out anyone’s help. Come on face the truth. No one is an island. Books can help. Then why do we have teachers. Computers can help. Then why do we have trainers. We, human beings are designed in a way to live in a community. We ought to help others. Remember the time you have started the career. Were you like Google? Knowing every details. Even Google needs our help. It can display the knowledge only when we search for it. Dependency is not a bad word. We have to help ourselves. But we also should be available for one who needs help. Freshers face this one common issue that the baggers put them down. There is a story of an excellent heart surgeon who was always putting down the young doctor who was assisting him. Later the young doctor saved the life of a person when the senior doctor was not around. It is good to learn under an experienced person. But it is horrible to work under a person who brags about their own knowledge. Some trainers who helps the learner to drive will increase the stress by shouting at the learner to do the right thing. None can train someone by force or insults. It is true the learner should have the zealous and the drive needed to learn. Even those qualities with die when they are planted under a bragging person. Be a good teacher, a good team leader, and a good team player.