Can we find a good friend in corporate. They say very rare. As it is more a competition than a work. But all of us need support. All of us, being in a corporate or other industry need a true friend. We have to talk about our difficulties with others. It is a professional world. But we are not robots. We are humans. One can notice all people in corporate moves with caution. Having an open conversation with others is almost impossible. But when you don’t find a friend in one. Try to be one. Try to have some meaningful authentic conversation. A friend is some one who helps in need. When you see some one is in need. Reach out to him or her. Lend a helping hand. Listen with empathy. There are tons of stories about IT people and families ending up in a troublesome situations. Though we earn a lot lack of friendship or empathy around us can never give us a healthy mind to focus on the progress. A Negative thinker can never bring a postive impact to those who are with and around him or her. Let us be with each other when they are going through times of trouble. Let us strengthen each other and grow together.